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Italian fondue

In winter, what better way to warm up than a good comforting cheese fondue. Made from Italian cheeses, it is just as delicious and generous as THE Savoyard fondue. It can be eaten without feeling guilty ... after all it's cold, that's a very good excuse!

The Italian fondue is above all a tasty blend of three cheeses: Fontana, Parmesan and Mozzarella melted in a dry Italian white wine preferably and enhanced with a little grappa and fresh basil. Knowing that you need about 50 cl of wine, 1 kilo of cheese and 1 glass of Grappa.  

A cheese fondue on the menu is always a successful, convivial meal that brings family and friends together. Everyone glances at the piece of bread stuck on their neighbor's fork, secretly hoping that it stays at the bottom of the pot and gives rise to a pledge!   

There are many cheese fondues. The Savoyard, essential on our winter tables, is the most famous. However, the Jura, the Friborg, the Valais also gain to be known ... A good fondue requires good cheeses and good dry whites, from the same terroir if possible so that they melt slowly and that the harmony is perfect. (you need 50 cl of wine for 1 kg of cheese).  

Bread is also very important. Forget industrial bread and buy a good bakery bread the day before. Slightly stale, it will hold better on your pick!
If you do not need to melt the cheese in the caquelon , remember to heat it before pouring the fondue into it so that it remains at temperature long enough to present it on its support, at the table.   

What to do if:

It is too liquid. If you have some cheese left, add more in small handfuls until you get the right consistency. If you don't have any left over, a little cornstarch dissolved in a little water or wine will do. Pour it into the preparation until thickened while still stirring over low heat.
It is too thick. Just add 3 to 5 cl of wine, still mixing. Readjust if necessary.
Its texture is not smooth enough. Pour a dash of crème fraîche.
Whatever you add, cheese, wine, water, cornstarch ... do it sparingly until you get the desired result.   

Italian fondue recipe

For 4 people, count:
350 ml dry Italian white wine
1 garlic clove, peeled
300 g of Fontina
300 g of Parmesan
250 g of Mozzarella di Buffala
30 ml of Grappa alcohol
30 ml olive oil
2 tablespoons of fresh basil
+ Italian bread type ciabatta or focacia cut in pieces.   

Preparation of the fondue

Cut the cheese into cubes or coarsely grate it.
Rub the pan with the garlic to delicately flavor the fondue, then pour in the white wine. Heat over low heat.
When it's hot, add the cheese gradually.
Stir until all of the cheese is melted. Be careful, your preparation should not boil.
When the mixture is homogeneous, add the Grappa without stopping stirring, then the chopped basil.  

Some add a few dried tomatoes, others make it by mixing 4 Italian cheeses: Parmesan, Gorgonzola, Pécorino and Mascarpone.
To your spades !   

* Alcohol abuse is dangerous for health. To consume with moderation.
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