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What are the advantages of vacuum under daily conditions?

Vacuum machines today are perfectly suited for everyday use. Compact and lightweight, they can now always be at your fingertips.

Vacuum machines are easy to use, in no time, your food is protected in their bag or box free of air, then stored directly in the refrigerator or freezer for fresh or cooked products or in the closet for dry goods while tripling or quintuplant show their shelf life.   

Vacuum is ideal: - when you buy in quantity because it's the season,
- to enjoy a promotion,
- when you go shopping at the end of the week for the week ahead,
- for an organizational solution to help you when some weeks are well loaded: prepare your meals in advance, your vegetables ...
- if you prepare a cooked dish for 8 while you are 4 and you do not want to eat several days in a row or throw the leftovers,
- to avoid any transfer of smells (cheese, fish)   

How to do sous vide It is possible to keep all kinds of foods under vacuum: meat, fish, vegetables, cheeses, fruits, sausages, flours, coffees, hazelnuts ... but when vacuuming it's important to:
- to respect the basic rules of hygiene,
- put fresh food and be as cold as possible. In fact the cold makes the liquid denser, freezes the flesh,
- ensure that the edges of the bag are always clean and without wrinkles before being welded,
- do not insert foods that are still hot,
- do not reuse bags that have already served,
- Sizing the bags, they must always be larger than the food.
Too much the weld will not be done or will be partial. The liquid contained in the food during the suction of the air may spread to the neck of the bag or overflow, dirty the edges of the bag making welding impossible,
- pay attention for example to small bones that could pierce the bag,
- choose the right container "under vacuum":  
The bags are rather suitable for vegetables, meat, fish, sausages, hard cheeses, coffee, nuts ...  
Boxes or jars for fragile, friable, soft products ex. biscuits, cereals, some fruits, cheeses ...  
The corks are practical to keep all the juices, wines, sauces tomatoes, oils ... started or very little used.   

You will always have quality food available, having retained all their nutrients and flavors much longer.
Check out our " food storage time vacuumed " page. how does a vacuum machine work ".   

Learn all about sous sous

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