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Spring to the hive: season of all issues.

Spring finally arrived ! Bees will perform a noble mission: pollinate 80% of plant varieties.

While collecting the nectar of the flowers to make the honey, they are covered with pollen and carry this one of flowers in flowers. This pollination, fertilization of one flower by another, will allow the birth of fruits, then seeds and nuclei that will produce new plants ... Bees by this pollination maintain a balance as vital as fragile for many plant species, animals and for us, men.  

A good beekeeping season depends on good weather conditions. A sunny day and spring flowers will be abundant. A big activity on the board of flight will then be observed and the honey will flow afloat. It will be necessary to monitor them carefully because some colonies will develop so quickly that it will be necessary to divide them into two or three swarms to place them in ruchettes. To compensate for the lack of provisions if the weather is less lenient, a feeding will have to be dispensed.   

Spring visit:
It is capital for beekeepers. You will determine the actions to be taken during the season depending on what you discover at the opening of your hives. Documenting beekeeping will guide you on how to lead your apiary. Nevertheless, beekeeping is an art before being a science, your sensibility nourished by your experience will provide you with your own know-how
For the sake of bees and production, the visit must be conducted with organization, precision and speed. I advise novice beekeepers to simulate the visit process several times before opening the hive. The necessary instruments will be prepared at your fingertips (frame holders, smokers, frame lifters, frames ...).
To begin, take out the shore frame, it is the "shopping frame" then advancing towards the center, you will find the laying and perhaps the queen. This year, 2017, the marking of the queen will be yellow.   

During the visit, the main points to check are:
- the number of bees in the hive. Below 4 frames the hive is weak.
- the state of the provisions. If the border frames are loaded with a few kilograms of honey the hive will provide for its feeding needs for the breeding of bees.
- the amount of brood (larvae). Ideally, the four or five central frames should contain brood. If there is only one brood frame the hive is weak.
- the appearance of the brood and the presence of the queen. The brood must be compact and laid concentrically. If it is disseminated it means that the queen is old or sick, if it is non-existent, the hive is orphaned.  

Take advantage of the spring visit to renew the old frames, it is a question of hygiene. Your spring visit made, the swarms placed in their new hives, all you have to do is wait for some nice honey.  

Do not forget to equip to visit your apiary safely.

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