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Book - La Cuisine des champignons, 50 recettes simples et savoureuses (Cooking mushrooms. 50 simple and tasty recipes)

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La Cuisine des champignons, 50 simple tasty recipes. Anne-Marie Labbe-Pinsseau. 70 pages.

Reference : lifcacha
La Cuisine des champignons, 50 recettes simples et savoureuses. Anne-Marie Labbe-Pinsseau. 70 pages. This is book is for any mushroom love, from seasoned to occasional gatherers or foodies who get their supplies at gourmet grocery shops or market gardeners. The author is an enthusiast who has studied ancient cuisine and spent her childhood collecting these fungal treasures in autumn woods. She gives details about health benefits, the different varieties and how to preserve them, along with hints and tips for a number of recipes, from hot or cold starters to main courses and side dishes. All of the recipes are easy to make, whatever your level of cooking skills.
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Main material paper
Width 15 cm
Height 22 cm
Thickness 6 mm
Net weight 165 g

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