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Book - Je désherbe sans produits chimiques (Weeding without chemical products)

Replenishment in progress

Je désherbe sans produits chimiques ! Pathways, lawns, flower beds... Denis Pépin. 120 pages

Reference : lidtvdsp
Je désherbe sans produits chimiques ! Allées, pelouses, potager, massifs fleuris... Denis Pépin. 120 pages.
How to remove weeds without using dangerous chemical weeding products?
Solutions exist for the garden and vegetable garden! This work offers simple and effective details based on long experience.
The different places to be weeded are presented with curative and preventive solutions for each.
The panorama is comprehensive, the advice precise for natural and efficient, pain-free weeding without chemical products!
The author, Denis Pépin, is an agricultural engineer, ecologist, gardener-advisor, journalist, lecturer and trainer in organic gardening for over 30 years.
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Main material paper
Width 21 cm
Height 21 cm
Thickness 1 cm
Net weight 355 g

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